Manually download JAR to local Maven cache
Sometimes I need to install a JAR from a remote Maven server into my local ~/.m2
repository for testing or experimentation (i.e. in absence of an actual pom.xml / project.clj / build.sbt file).
It always takes longer to figure this out than I’d expect since mvn
doesn’t have something as easy as Ruby or Python’s gem/pip install <package>
It is supported though and you can do it with:
$ mvn -DgroupId=<GROUP> \
-DartifactId=<PACKAGE> \
-Dversion=<VERSION> \
$ mvn -DgroupId=org.locationtech.jts \
-DartifactId=jts-core \
-Dversion=1.15.0 \
# [Maven Output...]
$ find ~/.m2 -name "*jts-core*jar"
# /home/horace/.m2/repository/org/locationtech/jts/jts-core/1.15.0/jts-core-1.15.0.jar
To fetch one from an internal or private maven repo, you can use the additional setting remoteRepositories
$ mvn -DremoteRepositories=<MAVEN URL> \
-DgroupId=<GROUP> \
-DartifactId=<PACKAGE> \
-Dversion=<VERSION> \
Note that if you’re running Nexus, you may need the full url to your releases directory, e.g.