Identify Non-HTTPS Transitive Leiningen Dependencies
If you’ve been using Leiningen any time over the last several months you have likely run into the dreaded error: Tried to use insecure HTTP repository without TLS
This is due to a change in Leiningen 2.8 which blocks non-TLS remote maven repositories. The change itself is well-intentioned and reasonable: relying on non-HTTPS dependencies is, overall, a bad idea. However dealing with it has caused lots of headaches for people who have a non-HTTPS dependency buried somewhere in their tree but don’t know which one it is or where it’s coming from.
The Leiningen FAQ contains a note directing you to either track down the offending dependency and exclude it, or include a scary code snippet in your project.clj
Others I know have even resorted to just downgrading back to Leiningen 2.7.1 to avoid dealing with this issue (j.k. this was definitely me for a while).
Find problematic dependencies
Unfortunately Leiningen and the dependency-management tools it uses under the hood (e.g. Aether) don’t currently have an out-of-the-box solution for pointing out which of your transitive deps are being pulled in from non-TLS sources.
However it is possible to cobble together something using existing tools:
1. Add the “Never do this” snippet to your project.clj
;; never do this
(require 'cemerick.pomegranate.aether)
"http" #(org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.http.HttpWagon.))
Just temporarily, we’ll take it out once we’re done.
2. Generate a pom.xml
file for your project:
lein pom
Because we added the TLS authorization snippet, leiningen should be able to download whatever it needs to succeed in this step.
This will let us use maven dependency management plugins since they can read the generated pom.xml file.
3. Clear your maven cache
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository
This will force maven to re-download dependencies in the next step.
In theory there are other maven tools like the purge-local-repository plugin which would let us do this without destroying the whole cache, but I found they missed some insecure dependencies in my project. YMMV.
If you’re concerned about losing stuff in your cache you can always save it somewhere and move it back when you’re done: mv ~/.m2/repository ~/.m2/repository_BAK
4. Use maven to download your deps
mvn dependency:tree > tree.txt
The trick here is that maven is a little more verbose when downloading dependencies than leiningen, and it will show you the full URL which was used to retrieve each package.
5. Search for any non-https entries
grep "http:" tree.txt
You should find some entries like:
These will be the ones you want to exclude.
Exclude the offending entries
Remember that a maven artifact URL like
translates to [com.mycorp/mypackage "1.0.0"]
in leiningen vector form.
Once you’ve identified the problematic deps, you can exclude them using the :exclusions key in your project.clj:
:exclusions [com.mycorp/mypackage]
If they turn out to be things you actually need, you may have to go find a compatible version from an HTTPS source to replace them with.
Clean Up
Finally, to clean up all the debugging you had to do to get here:
- Remove the
Never do this
HTTP authorization snippet from yourproject.clj
- Clear your maven cache again to wipe out any non-https dependencies you downloaded in the process